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How Do I Prepare For a Removal Company?

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Finally got a moving date? Congratulations, but don’t start celebrating just yet! Before you can relax and enjoy your new home at long last, you’ve got to prepare for moving day. Here are some top tips to help your removal company hit the ground running.


First of all, take a look at all your possessions and work out what you want to keep, and what can be chucked. It pays to be ruthless here; as hard as it might be to wave goodbye to things from your past, if they serve no practical purpose or you’d forgotten they existed, it’s probably for the best.

You don’t have to throw everything out, either – you can donate stuff to charity or, if it has value, list it for sale online.

The more you can slim down your list of possessions at this point, the less you’ll have to pack (and the less your removal firm will have to remove).

Packing and organising

Time to get packing! Your removal company should be able to supply you with the boxes you need, but if not, make sure you buy your own in good time. The sooner you can start packing, the better. Items that you don’t use often can be packed earlier on, allowing you to get ahead and pack in manageable chunks.

Make sure you organise and label your boxes clearly, stipulating which room you’d like the box to be placed in by your removal team. It’ll save confusion and make life a lot easier for everyone!

Set aside essentials

Before you get carried away and start packing your toothbrush and shower gel, make sure you set aside essential items you’re going to need right up until moving day. That way, when you move in, you’ll only need to pack one box right away – the rest can wait until the next day!

Check what your removal service covers

If you have breakable, valuable or specialist items, double check that your removal firm can handle them. Not every company will deal with something like a piano; if they don’t, you’ll need to make separate arrangements.

Removals Lincoln

Ready to book a removal firm? If you’re based in or near Lincoln, look no further than our comprehensive Lincoln removals service. Find out more about what we do today or request a quote.

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